It contains a well-balanced mix with optimal ratio between short chain peptides, long chain peptides and free amino acids. 

It is designed to enhance the yield and quality of crops naturally.

It is recommended for use on a variety of crops including fruit trees, vegetables, and field crops, and is particularly beneficial during active growth phases, transplantation, flowering, fruit setting, and ripening.

Recommended Crops

fruit trees - Citrus, Grapes, Mango, Apple, Pomegranate & other fruits; vegetables- Tomato, Chilli, Brinjal, Cole crops, Potato, Cucurbits, Onion and all leafy vegetables, field crops etc.

Foliar Application

Time of Application is recommended during the active growth phases of the production cycle, in nurseries, and in young plantations.

Foliar Dosage

1 ml/ 1 L of water & 200-250 ml/Acre